It's me again updating you on what little sewing I got done this week. This first photo is of a small snail's trail quilt pattern with 3 borders which makes it a lap quilt size. Colors are a bit had to see in the photo but basically it is green, yellow, dark blue, and white. I did the center section last year at a quilting retreat and found it stuck in a box in sewing room this week so made myself finish the top at least. Now I just need to get it layered, qiulted, binding on, and labeled.

This block is one of 12 that will go together to make a nice size quilt. I don't remember the pattern name for this one, but it took quite a while to get all 12 blocks done. Now I just need to find some fabrics for the sashing, borders, backing and binding to finish it. If you have any suggestions on colors, etc. please let me know.
I've been working on taxes all day today and haven't had time to do any sewing, so I think it's about time to get some of that done now. Happy quilting!