Hi Everyone! Today I'm going to start off by sharing one of the most troublesome quilts I've ever made! Yes, that's right. I'm telling and showing you one of my biggest failure quilts that I somehow managed to save and now I actually really like it. It kind of reminds me of what Jesus does with our messed up lives.
The real name of this quilt is Rolling Star II, but I ended up just calling mine the crazy star because of all the crazy things I did to it before it was completed. It was a kit I purchased on Ebay a long time ago that I just recently got out and began sewing together by hand. It was similar to a Texas Star quilt design, but the diamonds had 2 sides shorter than the other 2 sides, making it a bit different.
The blocks seemed to go together well but I ran into my first problem when I went to put the blocks together. Nothing seemed to fit together correctly. What I eventually figured out was that half of the blocks were put together backwards because I cut half of them out with the fabric wrong side up. So I started recutting and got several blocks done correctly and then they fit except that I ran out of three fabrics. Since this was a kit, I only had a little bit of left over fabric.
Fortunately, the kit seller did have more of those fabrics on hand even though that kit had been discontinued. So I ordered more fabric and eventually got those blocks all sewn together. Then it was time to add the square blocks. Out of the 8 squares made, for some reason 4 of them fit well and four of them (even though the same size as the others) did not fit at all. They were simply too small. I checked and rechecked and I had put the squares together correctly, so I couldn't figure out what I had done wrong. So I just added a tiny border around each sqaure to make it the size I needed it to be. Walla! It fit finally.
So I finished up with the borders. I first sewed on one side's border and then realized that the corners wouldn't match doing it that way. So I tore it all out and the only way I could figure to do this was to cut my pieces where the center of each side was to be and start sewing them on from there to the corner. There I matched up the design and did the diagonal stitch. This was very difficult but I finally got something satisfactory (for me anyway) completed.
Now, I think I really like the way it came out, so I've hung it over my piano. See what you think. If any of you can tell me where I went wrong on the square blocks or an easier way to do that kind of border, please let me know, because I'm stumped on that.
Happy Quiltin'!